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HORA CHRISTI Double Time Zone Religious Pocket Watch c. 1890s

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HORA CHRISTI Double Time Zone Religious Pocket Watch c. 1890s

ID: 427

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Unusual and rare pocket watch.
Diameter is 46mm.

This watch is production of very late XIX.
Dual time zone dial is indicating Catholic hours of prayer, probably for pilgrims purposes.
Dial reading should start from VII - "Lavement des Pieds / Wash the feet".
Case is made with astonishing amount of details and great care.

Dial and case are signed by "Ratel / Horloger Bte de NSP le Pape" - Ratel watchmaker to the Pope.
Tardy records Henri-Paul Ratel, watchmaker to the Pope, rue M. le Prince in Paris, active 1850-1900.

Watch is equipped with LeCoultre movement with simple cylinder escapement.

The watch appears to be in good condition.
The movement runs, but cleaning is recommended as usual.
The dial is in good condition, seems to be free of defects.
Case is quite fine with some wear and fine details loss.
Overall good condition.

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